Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia – Nearly every industry is becoming increasingly reliant upon computers, hence the demand for computer science graduates are also increasing. Hence, these varied computer applications prompt program specialisation in certain sub-disciplines within the field of computer science. In the beginning, students in Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) will study the foundations of computer science and programming before moving to the advanced sub-disciplines such as quality software production, expert system, and artificial intelligence.

Deciding upon a computer science major, in many cases, is a sound financial investment. Moreover, the undergraduate Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) is, in terms of career prospects, one of the most in demand, lucrative and stable options for today’s college graduates. Other than that, students will acquire knowledge, skills, values, attitudes, and thinking abilities to compete globally as an executive in Computer Science. Beside, teaching staff will equip the students with continued desire to upgrade their knowledge and adapt lifelong learning process in Computer Science.
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First Year
- Programming I
- Discrete Structure
- Database Systems
- Computer Systems
- Software Engineering
- Principle of Management
- Data Communication & Networking
- Programming II
- Operating System
- Computer Organization & Architecture
- System Analysis & Design
- Human Computer Interaction
- Statistics & Probability
Second Year
- Data Structures
- Information Assurance & Security
- Advance Database
- Client Server Computing
- Graphical User Interface
- Artificial Intelligence
- Automata & Theory of Computer Science
- Web Programming
- Digital Computer Fundamentals
- Game Theory
- Project
Third Year
- Research Methodology
- System Software
- Expert System
- Decision Support System
- Project II
- Professional Ethical & Legal Aspects of Computing
- Current Issues in Information Technology
- Information Technology Project Management
- Industrial Trainin
Local Admission
- Pass Diploma (Level 4, MQF) with a minimum CGPA of 2.00 or equivalent; OR
- Pass Advanced Diploma MQF Level 5 with a minimum CGPA of 2.00 or equivalent; OR
- Pass Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM) in related fields; OR
For Private Higher Educational Institutions: Refer to Surat JPT/GS 1000-606 Jld.2(23), 21st April 2020 -Kemasukan Pelajar Lulusan Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM), Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia (DLKM) dan Diploma Vokasional Malaysia (DVM) ke Peringkat Sarjana Muda (Tahap 6 MQF) atau yang setara dengannya di Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Swasta.
- Students are required to pass the Reinforcement Mathematics before being allowed to take related core courses. The candidate can sit for any subjects that did not indicate Mathematics as a prerequisite.
- Reinforcement Mathematics can contribute to the overall graduating credit.
- Students from Matriculation / Foundation or its equivalent can be exempted from taking the Reinforcement Mathematics, provided that the Mathematics offered at that programme level is equivalent / more than the Additional Mathematics offered at an SPM level.
Any equivalent qualification recognized by Malaysian Government
International Admission
The English Language Entry Requirement for International Student at University of GEOMATIKA Malaysia are as follows:
** For students who do not have the above English Qualification, they must undergo Universiti Geomatika Malaysia International’s English Program
- Data Scientist
- User Experience Designer
- Computer Scientist
- HCI Expert
- Cyber Security Expert
- Web Application Manager
- Security Consultant
- Online Marketing Expert
- Website Programmer
- Web Administrator
- Website Designer
Why Study at Universiti Geomatika Malaysia for
Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)

Recognized by the Malaysia
Board of Technologists

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