Diploma in Pharmacy enables its graduates to enter into diverse career opportunities in government sector, local public or private organizations, healthcare clinics/consultancies and any pharmaceutical-related industries as Pharmacy Assistant, Pharmacy Technician, Pharmacy Quality Assistant, Assistant Consultant on Healthcare and Multi-channel Marketing Assistant.
Graduates may also consider pursuing for higher learning education in any local or internationally recognized institutions to be qualified for the higher positions waiting in future. The vast majority of pharmacy graduates work as pharmacists in large retail chains or independent pharmacies but there are other job options available within academia, regulatory bodies and the pharmaceutical industry. There are various jobs that are directly related to pharmacy degree which includes community pharmacist and hospital pharmacist. At the same time, there also jobs that pharmacy degree would be useful which include lecturer, researcher and medical sales representative.
Generally, Pharmacists dispense prescription medications to patients and offer expertise in the safe use of prescriptions. They also may conduct health and wellness screenings, provide immunizations, oversee the medications given to patients, and provide advice on healthy lifestyles. A successful candidate can even set up a pharmacy on his or her own. However, that necessitates registering their name with the concerned authority. With most drugs, pharmacists use standard dosages from pharmaceutical companies. However, some pharmacists create customized medications by mixing ingredients themselves. Graduates can find employment in the following sectors:
Community Pharmacy
• Community pharmacist
• Medication management
• Pharmaceutical care
• Retailing
Hospital Pharmacy
• Hospital pharmacist
• Clinical Pharmacy
• Drug Information Services
• Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
• Outpatient pharmacy
• Toxicologist
Government (The Ministry of Health)
• National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency
• The Pharmacy Services Division
• FDA inspectors
Pharmaceutical Industry
• Research scientist (medical)
• Research and development laboratory assistant
• Clinical research associate
• Regulatory affairs officer
• Medical sales representative
• Product/process development scientist
Armed services
• Pharmacy officer
Education and Research
• Professor/lecturer
• Clinical Research Assistant
• Medical and Scientific Publishing – Editor-in-Chief, Science Writer
Geomatika University College offers Diploma in Pharmacy. To browse other courses, please visit list of courses offered by Geomatika UC. You can sign up the form below to get a free e-book about scholarship from us. Let’s continue study with US!