According to UNESCO ECCE (Early Childhood Care and Education) Unit, early childhood is defined as the period from birth to 8 years old. A time of remarkable brain development, the foundation for subsequent learning lay in these years. A systematic review of international evidence suggests that the benefits of early childhood education come from the experience itself, of participation, and tany excess of more than 2.5 hours a day does not greatly add to the child development outcome especially if this means the young child is missing out on other experiences and family contact. Early Childhood Education Program is the latest course offered by Geomatika to cater to the growing needs of a better educator in early childhood development.

The program provides an excellent early childhood and classroom management skills for future teachers, as well as professional pedagogical and subject knowledge. Students who have successfully completed this program will be able to identify a suitable teaching and learning approaches for young children, attend to their needs, and to be reflectively and professionally engaged in teaching-learning processes and experiences, curriculum planning, aspects of management, and development of the profession.
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First Year
- Introduction to Child Growth & Development
- Issues & Policies in Early Childhood
- Introduction to Early Childhood Education
- Early Childhood Principles & Practice
- Children Learning & Play
- Children’s Social Development Behaviour
- Language Literacy in early Childhood
- Infant Todlers & Twos
Second Year
- Creative Experience for Young Children
- Adult Child Relations
- Child Health, Safety & Nutrition
- Administration in Child Care Program
- Infant & Toddler Development & Care Giving
- Teaching Mathematics & Science in Early Childhood
- Music & Movement Experience for Young Children
- Interpersonal Communication Skills
- Exceptional Child Development
- Teaching Young Children in Diverse Society
- Home & Family Partnership
Third Year
- Project Based Approach Early Childhood
- Curriculum Development for Early Childhood
- Childhood Through Observation
- Instructional technology Development in Early Childhood
- Industrial Training
Local Admission
Any equivalent qualification recognized by Malaysian Government
International Admission
The English Language Entry Requirement for International Student at University of GEOMATIKA Malaysia are as follows:
** For students who do not have the above English Qualification, they must undergo Geomatika’s English Program
- Educationist
- Entrepreneur
- Children’s Home Helper
- Creative Writer
- Children’s Events Organizer
- Teacher
- Promoter
Why Study at Universiti Geomatika Malaysia for
Diploma in Early Childhood Education

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