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Geographic Information System, Big Data and IR4.0

The Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0) can be accelerated if we can faster conducive innovation systems (Satya Naddeka, CEO Microsoft) Among the consequences of IR4.0 are everybody not just a student has too many sources of distraction. In addition, new generations of students, constantly change. Besides, our brains are constantly being rewired as a result of reduced attention spans. Furthermore, what students learn during their education won’t last for their entire career since progress is accelerating. Lastly, school are often not very helpful in choosing a career path.

At Faculty of Geospatial & Real Estate, Geomatika University College our curriculum has taken consideration for these changes to ensure graduates we produce can take part in the IR 4.0. As everybody known Geographic Information System play a vital role as the bridging between geography an information technology. The curriculum of GIS for diploma, degree, master and PhD programme in Geomatika University College was embedded with cloud computing technology, augmented reality, big data analytics and application development.

Geomatika University College offered programmes from Diploma up to Post-Graduates in Geographic Information System. Below is the list of the programmes offered:

Geomatika University College also offers various field of studies. To browse other courses, please visit list of courses offered by Geomatika UC. Let’s continue study with Geomatika University College!