Geomatika University College (GUC) and North Borneo University College (NBUC) officially sealed Memorandum of Understanding with Malaysian Board of Technologists (MBOT).
This MoU enables both Universities to contribute as MBOT Technology Expert Panel (TEP) in promoting quality education. In addition, both parties aspire to forge greater strategic partnership through Professional Accreditation & Certification, Academic & Research initiatives.
Besides more than 3000 students and alumni from both University may register as Graduate Technologist after completed their respective technology fields of studies and later become Professional Technologists (Ts) or Certified Technicians (Tc) as recognized under Technologists and Technician Act 2015 (Act 768).
Geomatika University College was represent by President of Geomatika Group Prof Sr Dr Mohaizi Bin Mohamad, Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Azahari Bin Jamaludin while North Borneo University College represent by Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Fred Chin Yuk Fong.
Malaysian Board of Technologists represent by MBOT Registrar Ts Mohd Nazrol Bin Marzuke and MBOT Board Member & Deputy Vice Chancellor Research & Innovation Universiti Malaysia Sabah Assoc Prof Ts Dr Ramzah Dambul.
We welcome all SPM leavers to enrol on Technology Field of Studies offer by both universities.
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