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Geomatika to Chair Meeting on Cyber Security Academia Malaysia (CSAM)

16 January 2020 – A meeting was conducted under Cyber Security Academic Malaysia (CSAM) to discuss about current emerging technologies in Geomatika University College recently. This meeting was called to discuss emerging technology issues.

In the meeting Faculty of Computing and Innovative Technology (FACIT) raised matters on cyber security. There was knowledge sharing about local operation. They also decided on the members roles in CSAM that are basically to engage in international conferences, software building and utilize facility of cybersecurity. All the agendas and meetings are related to cybersecurity and to highlight cybersecurity.

CSAM planned to publish book (Springer) on topic of Cyber security. CSAM plans to have telemeeting in coming meetings and apply to international research grant. Next meeting would be held on March 22 in UITM Shah Alam during the International Conference on Advanced Information Security 2020 (ICAIS2020).

This CSAM group is under Universiti of Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). This group consists of 26 universities from around 45 participants from all over Malaysia. Each month one university will accept to chair this meeting to share the knowledge, objective and agenda about cybersecurity.

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