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Geomatika University College’s 14th Convocation ceremony

06 November 2019 – Geomatika University College’s (GUC) 14th Convocation Ceremony honoured 60-year-old woman, with its Best student Award in Business Administration.

Dr Fatimah Sham Abdullah, who is a mother for six is a businesswoman in beauty and health said age and career can’t be a challenging factor for furthering studies to upper level and it has to be a priority to seek knowledge in various fields with full of willpower and determination.

She said flexible education system in GUC that helps to complete education successfully and reached her dreams without neglecting the business.

“Those days when I was a teacher for 20 years, learning in classroom was famous however, now we have online learning system.

“In GUC learning and teaching activity can be conducted by using GeoLMS (Learning Management System) that provide flexible hours for students to download notes, questions, tutorials and assessments and online discussion with the lecturer through live chat”, said her who wants to be greatest inspiration for all of her children.

In the meantime, Yap Yi Ling, 24 who has received best student award for diploma studies in Pharmacy recalled her time at GUC with much pride and fondness has encouraged her fellow graduates to constantly learn new skills and knowledge to remain relevant and competitive.

This convocation ceremony was attended by Chancellor of GUC, Raja Datuk Nordiana Raja Zainal karib Shah and Pro Chancellor Professor Datuk Dr Naim Mohamad and President of the University, Sr Dr Mohaizi Mohamad.

According to the President of GUC, Professor Sr Dr Mohaizi, the university has to fulfill few criterias that are increasing international student’s enrollment, upgrade campus facilities and offer more courses for PHD studies.

“We are expecting to obtain full accredited university status by 2020 based on transformation plan” , he insisted while congratulating all the graduates and their parents.

Through a milestone in Malaysian tertiary education, Geomatika aligned its strategies with The National Transformational Programme (NTP) under NKEA 12, in tangent with the nation’s plan to be a developed nation by 2020. In the early 2014, Geomatika has been awarded the status of a full University College by the Ministry of Higher Education.