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Geomatika visited Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (JUPEM)

January 27, 2023
Universiti Geomatika Malaysia (UGM) has a courtesy visit to Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (JUPEM) that was held its meeting this morning.
UGM delegation attended by Prof. Dato Sr. Dr. Azimuddin bin Bahari, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic & Industrial Affairs), Gs. Dr. Nurul Amirah binti Isa, Dean of the Asian Faculty of Architecture and the lecturers. They was welcomed by YBrs. Sr Mohammad Zaki bin Mohd Ghazali, Director General of Survey and Mapping Malaysia along together with Sr Wan Mohamad Darani bin Ab. Rahman, Deputy Director General of Surveying and Mapping 1, and other senior officers of JUPEM.
Objective of this courtesy visit session is to establish a cooperative relationship between UGM and JUPEM through programs that can benefit both parties in addition to discussing directions and improvements in producing quality, competent and versatile students.