Aligned with the goals of SDG 4 (Quality Education), University Geomatika Malaysia’s degree and diploma Geomatic students participated in CHC Marine Day 2024, gaining hands-on experience with advanced hydrographic survey technology. SDG 4 emphasizes the importance of inclusive and equitable education, as well as the promotion of lifelong learning opportunities. By offering students the chance to engage with cutting-edge tools and techniques in the hydrography field, this event enhances their technical skills and broadens their understanding of marine navigation innovations.

The program reflects SDG 4’s objective of ensuring quality education by not only equipping students with theoretical knowledge but also providing practical experiences that are crucial for professional development. Through direct exposure to real-world technologies, students are better prepared to meet industry demands and contribute meaningfully to the field. This initiative empowers students to achieve their potential, ensuring they are equipped with the skills needed for future challenges, which aligns with the broader mission of SDG 4 to foster education that builds capacity and drives sustainable progress.