Congratulations on being selected as the Student Representative Council for 2023 at Universiti Geomatika Malaysia! It is a great honor and responsibility to be chosen to represent your fellow students at Universiti Geomatika Malaysia. The certificate presented by Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Haji Ismail bin Haji Omar.
As a Student Representative, you will have the opportunity to represent your peers and contribute to the growth and development of the university. Your first meeting with the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Haji Ismail bin Haji Omar, will provide an excellent opportunity to discuss your plans and aspirations for the year ahead.
During this meeting, they also take part in a swearing-in ceremony, where they pledge to uphold the values and responsibilities. This is a significant moment and marks the beginning of their journey as a Student Representative.
We wish all of you all the best as you embark on this exciting and challenging role. We have no doubt that you will carry out your responsibilities with dedication and commitment. Remember, you have been entrusted with an essential task, and your actions will have a significant impact on your fellow students and the university as a whole.
Once again, congratulations on your appointment, and we wish you every success in your endeavors.